нА "нАЗЕДХМЕМХХ хгаюбкемхе"

Society of the Union of Ivanov followers societies ⌠Release■ The Kazan association of clubs of followers of Teacher Ivanov "Disposal" exists since January 1989 y. and ╚Association Disposal╩ is renewed with 2002 Ц in the Kazan city public charitable organization (We Result(bring) real facts, perception(recognition) people of Example and the Doctrine of the expensive(dear) Teacher, as the certificate of His(its) vitality and continuation of Evolution of the Sacred Spirit Headed by the Teacher. (Other reasons samosvidetelstvovaniya about itself on a site about the Teacher it is counted not acceptable, not modest)


Holiday of a natural way of life at the Kazan Kremlin. Magazine ⌠Science and Religion■ ╧2,3 1991. ⌠Take your place in Nature!■ Porfiry Ivanovich Ivanov has a lot of followers today. Nobody has counted till present, but it is safe to suppose that there are many thousands of them. For example, in Kazan there exists an association of clubs ⌠Deliverance■, where thousands of city▓s residents study according to his system. Clubs like this exist at least in 50 cities of the country. If you talk to any of His followers- you will learn that all of them feel like they were born again when they started to practice Ivanov▓s system. They say that in search of their own place in Nature, what Ivanov asked them to do, they got rid of illnesses, of fear, unconfidence, and experienced special plenitude of life, it▓s importance and sense. Everyone calls Him a Teacher, while some think that God came to Earth in his person, the others are sure that he is a messenger of Space and his mission was to return earth dwellers to the lost path of evolution. Some scientists ( there are a lot of physicians, phylosophers, chemists and physicists among the followers of P.K. Ivanov) explain everything by the action of Universal intellectual substance, the laws which were taught of Ivanov. The majority simply fullfills the commandments of Teacher, which are named ⌠Detka■ (This is how he treated everybody), and these people think neither about noosphere, nor the Supreme Mind, nor about what and at what level happens while this in the human body, but they don▓t doubt that they improve their body, and spirit, and intellect.

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